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By:  Sabrina C. Spitznagle, Principal & Founder at Loop Legal Search
Chicago Legal Recruiters – Your Recruiting Connection

This Above the Law article is such a great reminder of the true meaning of Martin Luther King Day and what we should be doing to honor this exceptional man – https://abovethelaw.com/lawline-cle/2020/01/14/5-great-acts-of-service-for-attorneys-on-mlk-day-and-every-day/?utm_campaign=Above%20the%20Law%20Daily&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=82069856&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9WffgGnC_kObAIY6nYsvevgsNeJeCEtG6vUq6RCIutxDpJm2UJ5IVn_DCxc0LkmEaQuGria8hb-M5cfH1MLHyCV2IZHJG80m-1X1SVxaw6Vxqruv0&_hsmi=82069856

While these projects are incredibly important, I wanted to offer 5 more service opportunities that are not just for lawyers, are closer to home (for those of us in Chicago), and are a bit easier to accomplish (if you are more limited on time, but still want to volunteer in a meaningful way):   

1. Project Yes!

Project Yes! is a fantastic organization that helps teachers enhance their core curriculum and strengthen programming.  They provide opportunities for people to volunteer alongside service members in a variety of activities and events and are hosting a literacy fair in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  They believe, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”   Click here to volunteer with Project Yes!: https://americorpsprojectyes.org/volunteer/

2. The Volunteer Center

The Volunteer Center works with over 160 nonprofit partner organizations to help people find ways to volunteer their time and help others in the community.  They are hosting a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service from 1-4 pm with projects to help multiple amazing nonprofit organizations, including homeless shelters, VA hospitals, and the pediatric units of local hospitals.  Registration is not required: https://www.volunteercenterhelps.org/join-us-for-our-annual-mlk-jr-day-of-service-give-back-in-harmony/

3. City Year

City Year is a national service program designed to unite young adults from diverse backgrounds.  They formed in Chicago in 1994 and have been active in the community since then working to improve outcomes for students in high-need schools.  Help them improve and transform Robert Nathaniel Dett Elementary School on MLK Day with murals, painting, and light construction projects: https://www.cityyear.org/chicago/events/dr-martin-luther-king-jr-national-day-of-service

4. The Greater Chicago Food Depository and Common Pantry

The Greater Chicago Food Depository and Common Pantry provide emergency food and social services to people in the community who are in need.  They don’t have volunteer opportunities on MLK Day, but sign up for another day in February or March: https://www.chicagosfoodbank.org/volunteer

5. Community Stewardship Program

Volunteer with the park district to improve our parks by picking up litter, mulching, removing invasive plants, and installing native plants: https://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/get-involved/volunteer/natural-areas-community-stewardship-days